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Module 05: Database


1. What is database? What major advantages databases have?

The word, database is a computer term for a collection of information concerning a certain topic or business application.


i.  Reduced data redundancy;

ii.  Reduced updating errors and increased consistency;

iii. Greater data integrity;

iv.  Improved data access to users through the use of host and query language;

v.  Improved data security;

vi. Reduced data entry, storage and retrieval costs.

2. What are the uses of database

Databases are used to group and format data and then extract information from that data. Examples of databases usages include:

i.   A phone directory

ii.  Criminal databases used by the police to keep track of known criminals 

iii. Patient records in health management system

iv. Tax details in government database

3. What is table? Why do we create table in Database?

A Table is a combination of certain rows (records) and columns(fields). We create tables to-

i.   Store data in a structured and organized format;

ii.  Organize information about a single topic into rows and columns;

iii. Retrieve information easily in the form of Query and Report.

4. What are the available Data types in MS Access 2007?

There are 11 data types available in MS Access 2007:

i.   Text

ii.  Memo 

iii. Number

iv.  Date/Time

v.   Currency

vi.  AutoNumber 

vii. Yes/No

viii. OLE Object

ix.   Hyperlink

x.   Attachment

xi.  Lookup Wizard

5. How can you add criteria to an MS Access query?

i.   Go to Design View of the query

ii. Click on Criteria row under the Column on which criteria to apply 

iii. Write criteria expression

iv. Press Enter

6. How can you create a MS Access Form?

i.   Select the table or query on the navigation pane 

ii.  Go to Create tab

iii. Click on Form button in Forms sections; This will create a Form of that Table or Query.

7. Describe the “One‐to‐many relationship” in MS Access.

The relationship where one entity can relate to one or more entities of other type is called one-to- many   relationship.   For  example  a   Customer  can  place  many  Orders.   So   a   "one-to-many" relationship exist between Customer and Order.

8. What the “One-to-One relationship” in MS Access.

The term One-to-One relationship refers to relationships of two items in which only one can belong to another.

9. What is the use of Design View in MS Access?

In MS Access, the Design View of an object is used to configure its properties . The efficiency of the database and the way it handles data input /output are controlled by the properties configured in Design View.

10. What is a relational database? What is a primary key?

Relational Database: A relational database stores data in multiple tables. In this way, it reduces duplication of data, improves performance and removes anomalies.

Primary Key: A primary key is a unique identifier for each row in a database table. Primary key is essential when working with relational database.

11. What are queries in MS-Access? Name two types of queries?

Query is an object in MS Access that analyze and extract data from one or more tables in an orderly fashion. Queries are used as the way of retrieving information from database, it retrieve data from underlying table when we run it.

Two types queries: Select Query, Delete Query.

12. What is the difference between data and information?

Data is facts, statistics used for reference or analysis. Numbers, characters, symbols, images etc., which can be processed by a computer is data.

Information is data that has been processed in such a way that it becomes meaningful in a context. Information is processed data.

13. What is a Validation rule? Write about validation text.

A validation Rule is the limit or control of the type and amount of data that the users can enter in a table field.

Validation Text is the prompt message displayed to the user when the entered data fails to meet the conditions specified within the Field Properties of Validation Rules.

14. What is the advantage of using index in your database?

Indexes help to locate and sort information quickly. An index stores the location of records based on the field or fields that we choose to index. Using that index database can then quickly find the location of the data.

15. What are uses of Reports in MS Access?

A report is a summary of data generated from a table or query. A report presents data in an organized, meaningful and print-ready format.

16. How can you delete a relationship in MS Access?

To delete a relationship-

i.   First click once on the line between the two tables, the line appears thicker;

ii.  Right click on the line,

iii. From the shortcut menu, select Delete

This will delete the relationship between the tables.

17. What is Input mask?

An input mask is a set of literal characters and mask characters that control what users can and cannot enter in a field. For example, an input mask can require users to enter dates or telephone numbers that follow the conventions for a specific country/region.

18. What are Wildcards?

Wildcards are special characters that we can use within a query to specify or exclude certain characters.

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