Building Fast-Performing Database Models. |
1. Write the primary characteristics of OLTP database?
Characteristics of OLTP database are as follows:
Large user population
Very high concurrency
Large database size
Very quick reaction time
Small transaction
More granular
Manageability quit difficult
Mast have service window.
2. Write the primary characteristics of Client server database?
Small user population
Low level concurrency
Small database size
Quick reaction time
Small transaction
More granular
Manageability quit difficult
Mast have service window.
3. Write the primary characteristics of data warehouse database?
Minimal user population
Very low concurrency
Frightening database size
Low reaction time
Incredibly large transactions
Very low granularity
Very demanding manageability
Service window is not very essential.
4. What is meant by auto counter?
Allows automated generation of sequences of numbers, usually one after the other, such as 101, 102, and 103 and so on. Some database engines call these sequences.
5. When not to create index?
For a small table
Index column is not used for search data.
Table data is rapidly modified.
Retrieve of data is more than 2% to 4% of total data.
6. What do you mean by application caching?
Application caching is where data can be stored in the memory of a client computer.