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Module 04: Creating a Basic Form Module

Creating a Basic Form Module  

01. The Orders form is a master-detail form in which ORDERS is a single-record master block and ORDER_ITEMS is a multi record detail block. 

During testing of the Orders form, users have complained about the behavior of Enter-Query mode. 

In the form they are testing, they are unable to navigate out of the current block while they  are in Enter-Query mode. However, they would like to be able to carry out the following procedure: 

1. Press [Enter Query] while in the master block. 

2. Enter some search criteria. 

3. Navigate to the detail block. 

4. Enter more search criteria (while the form is still in Enter-Query mode). 

5. Press [Execute Query] to have the criteria applied to both blocks at once. 

How can you provide the requested functionality? 

A. The requested functionality is the default behavior. You simply need to remove or rewrite the triggers you wrote that "broke" the form. 

B. Use a Key-Entqry trigger on the master block to redirect the focus to the detail block after the search criteria have been entered in the master block. 

C. You cannot perform the requested operation with a master-detail form. 

The restriction on navigating out of the current block during Enter-Query mode cannot be circumvented

D. Use a Key-Exeqry trigger on both the master and detail blocks to call a centralized procedure and have the procedure handle the navigation. 

E. Use a Key-Nxtblk trigger on the ORDERS block to cause navigation to the ORDER_ITEMS block. This will work because Key triggers can fire in Enter-Query mode and call restricted built-ins such as GO_BLOCK(). 

F. Use a combination of Key-Entqry and Key-Exeqry triggers at form level to call generically written procedures to test where the current focus is and set global variables that a form-level Key-Nxtblk trigger can use to redirect the focus. 

Answer: C

02. What is an indication that the Data Block Wizard is in reentrant mode? 

A. There is a tabbed interface. 

B. The Finish button is disabled. 

C. There are no Next> or <Back buttons. 

D. The page to create relations does not appear. 

E. You cannot switch between different types of data sources. 

Answer: A

03. The DBA has informed you that two new columns have been added to the ORDERS table. The blocks in the Order Entry form were created manually. 

How can you use a wizard to modify the Orders block to include items that corresponds to these columns? 

A. You cannot use wizards to add a new item to add data block that was created manually. 

B. Select the last item in the Orders block, then invoke the Layout Wizard from the menu. 

C. Select the Orders block in the Object Navigator, then invoke the Data Block Wizard from the menu. 

D. Select the Data Block node in the Object Navigator, then invoke the Data Block Wizard from the menu. 

Answer: C

04. Exhibit: 


A master-detail form displays Orders and Order Items. 

What can you tell about the run-time behavior of the form by looking at the exhibit, assuming that the Master-detail triggers and relations have not been modified since they were created? 

A. Users will be unable to delete detail records if master records exist. 

B. Users will be unable to delete master records of detail records exist. 

C. If users delete a master record, its detail records will also be deleted. 

D. Users will be able to delete a master record even if detail records exist. 

E. If users delete all detail records, the master record will also be deleted. 

Answer: B

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