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Module 25: Introducing Multiple Form Applications

Introducing Multiple Form Applications

01.Write down the benefits of multiple forms applications. 

The benefits of multiple forms applications are-

–  Easier debugging

–  Modularity

–  Performance and scalability

02.How can you pass data between form modules? 

Pass data between form modules using:

–  Global variables.

–  Parameter lists.

–  Global record groups.

–  PL/SQL package variables in shared libraries.

03.How does the application behave in multiple form applications? 

The application behave in multiple form applications Behavior:

–  Flexible navigation between windows

–  Single or multiple database connections

–  Transactions may span forms, if required

–  Commits in order of opening forms, starting with current form

04.How many ways data can be exchange in multiple form applications? 

Data can be exchanged between forms as follows:

–  Global variables

–  Parameter lists

–  Global record groups

–  PL/SQL package variables in shared libraries.


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